Trojan War Crossword

  1. 1. God of the sun, art, healing and prophecy.
  2. 4. Goddess of Wisdom and strategy
  3. 8. King of Sparta and husband of Helen.
  4. 10. Warrior who was stronger than all of Greece
  5. 13. Princess of Troy, cursed to prophesy the future but never be believed.
  6. 15. Prince of Troy, whose abduction of Helen sparked the Trojan War.
  7. 16. The prince of Troy and a skilled warrior, known for his defense of his city.
  8. 17. Queen of Sparta, whose beauty was the cause of the Trojan War.
  9. 18. King of Ithaca and a clever, resourceful Greek hero.
  10. 20. Teenage son of Achilles
  1. 2. King of Troy and father of Hector and Paris.
  2. 3. Sea goddess and mother of Achilles.
  3. 5. A Trojan hero, who later became the legendary founder of Rome.
  4. 6. Queen of the gods who offered Paris rule of Asia Minor
  5. 7. The king of Mycenae and leader of the Greek forces in the Trojan War.
  6. 9. Close companion and cousin of Achilles.
  7. 11. The greatest Greek warrior with one vulnerable spot
  8. 12. Wife of Hector.
  9. 14. Goddess of love who won the beaty contest
  10. 19. King of the Olympians who refused to judge the beauty contest