Troubled Minds

  1. 2. Fears of objects other than those associated with agoraphobia or social anxiety
  2. 5. psychology The study of psychological disorders.
  3. 6. A false, illogical belief.
  4. 7. personality instability in interpersonal relationships, self- image, and emotion.
  5. 9. A false perception
  6. 11. spectrum disorder deficits in social relatedness and communication skills
  7. 12. Repetitive, ritualistic behavior associated with high anxiety.
  8. 13. hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thought and speech, disorders of movement, restricted affect, and avolition or asociality
  9. 15. The experience of intense fear and autonomic arousal in the absence of real threat.
  10. 18. Unrealistic fear of open spaces
  11. 19. the unrealistic perception of physical flaws.
  12. 20. deficit hyperactivity disorder unusual inattentiveness, hyperactivity with impulsivity, or both.
  1. 1. An intrusive, distressing thought.
  2. 3. intrusive obsessions and compulsions.
  3. 4. disorder repeated attacks and fear of future attacks.
  4. 8. alternating periods of mania and depression.
  5. 10. disruptions in a person’s identity, memory, or consciousness.
  6. 14. personality disorder grandiosity, need for admiration, and low empathy.
  7. 16. Two or more disorders in the same individual.
  8. 17. A period of unrealistically elevated mood.