Truth & Training C.O.W. Verses Crossword

  1. 4. But God demonstrates His own ___ for us Romans 5:8
  2. 5. And ___ in your heart, God raised Him from the dead Romans 10:9
  3. 7. If anyone is in Christ, he is a new ___ II Corinthians 5:17
  4. 10. ___ Workmen Are Not Ashamed II Timothy 2:15
  5. 12. For it is by ____ you have been saved Ephesians 2:8a
  6. 14. For all have ___ Romans 3:23
  7. 15. But the ____ of God is eternal life Romans 6:23
  8. 16. We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do ___ works Ephesians 2:10
  1. 1. I have ____ Your word in my heart Psalms 119:11
  2. 2. He saved us...because of His ____ Titus 3:5a
  3. 3. If you, O Lord, kept a ____ of sins, O Lord, who could stand Psalms 130:3
  4. 6. But set an ___ for believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity I Timothy 4:12
  5. 8. For the ____ of sin is death Romans 6:23
  6. 9. If you ___ with your mouth Jesus is LORD Romans 10:9
  7. 11. I am the Way, the ____ and the Life John 14:6
  8. 13. While we were still sinners Christ ___ for us Romans 5:8