Technology Oversight & Coordination Crosswords

  1. 2. A venue to learn about research and technology
  2. 5. Can be produced from CO2
  3. 6. Hydrogen carrier
  4. 10. Tracking technology communications
  5. 11. Needs to be reviewed before sharing
  6. 14. 2024 starts...
  7. 15. Not a vacation destination
  8. 16. A lab fueling the minds inside our labs
  9. 18. Metric to measure technology value
  10. 19. Everything you need to know about a technology
  11. 20. Renewable power to produce hydrogen
  1. 1. Call it synthetic fuels
  2. 3. If you see something, say something
  3. 4. Energy storage solution
  4. 7. Opening doors to our innovation
  5. 8. Platform to share our technology story
  6. 9. Tracking energy flows
  7. 10. Highlighted in the 2023 Technology Outlook
  8. 12. Waste water treatment technology
  9. 13. Storing CO2 at home
  10. 17. Decarbonizing aviation
  11. 19. Emission offsetting option for hard to abate sectors