TSA Earth Science 1st Semester Epic Exam Review

  1. 5. legend states she is perhaps the greatest bio teacher of all time
  2. 7. An imaginary pole that Earth rotates, or spins around.
  3. 8. When Earth is directly between the sun and the moon, casting a shadow on the moon
  4. 10. The path that an object in space follows as it moves around another object
  5. 13. Greatest living creature
  6. 14. While the Northern Hemisphere is having summer the Southern Hemisphere is having _______.
  7. 15. The spinning motion of Earth around its own axis.
  8. 17. Earth's yearlong orbit around the sun
  9. 18. We have winter when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted ___ from the sun.
  10. 19. It takes the earth __ ______ to complete 1 rotation.
  1. 1. The direction of the Earth and moon's orbit
  2. 2. force with which the earth, moon, or other massively large object attracts another object towards itself.
  3. 3. We have ________ because Earth is tilted on its axis.
  4. 4. When the moon passes between the earth and the sun, blocking the sun
  5. 6. In these High Hills Proudly Does She Stand
  6. 9. When we have winter, the Southern Hemisphere has _____.
  7. 11. Force is a quantity that is measured using the standard metric unit known as the...
  8. 12. All objects upon earth experience a force of gravity that is directed
  9. 13. The earth revolves around the ____.
  10. 16. We have summer when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted _____ the sun.