  1. 1. Real-world view with additional virtual object
  2. 2. Come to virtual environtment
  3. 6. A form of communication that uses a combination of different content forms
  4. 7. The world's leading destination for short-form mobile video
  5. 8. A virtual currency, digital currency, or crypto currency
  6. 9. To transfer data over a network
  7. 11. The goal-oriented process of designing, making tools and systems
  1. 1. Machines designed to perform specific tasks
  2. 3. A machine designed to perform multiple tasks at once
  3. 4. Investigation or study of phenomena
  4. 5. A simulation of the intelligence made by humans
  5. 7. A consequence of science and engineering
  6. 10. The knowledge and skills need to access, understand, analyze and evaluate information