Tuck Everlasting

  1. 1. what was important to mae
  2. 4. who got shot and didn't die
  3. 5. what did they here in the woods
  4. 6. what is jesse and miles moms name
  5. 8. what is the color for caution
  6. 9. this happened to angus
  7. 11. jesse didn't let winnie take drink out of the
  8. 14. the girl that the tucks kidnapped
  9. 15. who was mean to winnie
  10. 17. who did grannie think was playing the music
  11. 18. jesse and miles dad's name
  12. 19. living forever
  13. 21. who came to the fosters gate
  14. 22. what is the beginning of the plot diagram
  1. 2. was the animal that didn't drink out of the spring
  2. 3. second part of the plot diagram
  3. 5. how old was jesse when he stoped getting older
  4. 7. Mays son
  5. 10. jesse's real age
  6. 11. the towns name
  7. 12. who is jesse's brother
  8. 13. what happend to winnie
  9. 16. what letter did the tuck family put on the tree
  10. 20. what was angus dreaming of
  11. 23. who was winnie talking to at the fosters house