Tuck Everlasting: Chapters 1 - 14

  1. 1. The Tucks are _____, just like the rowboat
  2. 5. Winnie's grandmother thinks the music is ______
  3. 6. Pa Tuck compares life to a _____
  4. 8. Hid in the bushes and overheard "the secret"
  5. 12. Jesse and Miles sleep in the _____
  6. 14. 10-year-old girl who lives in the "touch-me-not" cottage
  7. 15. His wife and two children left him
  8. 16. Mae's most prized possession
  9. 17. Does not like living forever; wants to get back on the wheel of life
  1. 1. In the book, this is the source of eternal life
  2. 2. Mae meets her sons at ______ wood
  3. 3. The Tucks' house is ______ but comfortable
  4. 4. The Foster cottage is very _____ and tidy
  5. 7. This was stolen from the Tucks by the strange man
  6. 9. Pa Tuck takes Winnie out in a _____ to talk to her
  7. 10. Mae meets Jesse and Miles every ___ years at the tree
  8. 11. The stranger wears a _____ suit
  9. 13. Wants Winnie to drink the water when she is 17