TUCK EVERLASTING Prologue - Chapter 11

  1. 1. Winnie first meets ___ Tuck when he just had a drink from the spring.
  2. 6. The road to Treegap did not go straight but ___ when it reached the wood.
  3. 7. Winnie talks to a ___ and promises him to run away the next day.
  4. 9. Winnie and her family live in the town named ___.
  5. 10. The story is set in the month of ___.
  6. 11. The Stranger moves jerkily like a ___.
  7. 14. The Fosters own the woods ___. (three words)
  8. 15. Right next to the Tuck house is a nice little ___.
  9. 16. A spring is ___ (= hidden) under the pebbles at the root of a giant ash tree.
  10. 18. A ___ is the main analogy for the story, and symbolizes how all the events are connected. (two words)
  11. 19. The Tucks first discovered the spring ___ years ago (two words)
  1. 2. After being kidnapped, Winnie thinks the Stranger might be a kind of ___.
  2. 3. The Tucks become ___ when they drag Winnie away from the woods.
  3. 4. Before Chapter 1, the book has a ___.
  4. 5. The Tucks' house is painted barn-___.
  5. 8. Because Tuck does not smile a lot, his face has ___. (two words)
  6. 12. For supper they ate ___, bacon, bread and applesauce.
  7. 13. ___ Foster is the main character of the story.
  8. 17. Winnie feels ___ up in the Foster house.
  9. 19. Winnie's mother thinks the music from the music box is made by ___.
  10. 20. The color of the Stranger's suit is jaunty ___.