Tuck Everlasting

  1. 2. Jesse gave Winnie a little bottle of this
  2. 4. Mile's wife thought he sold his soul to him
  3. 9. Grandma thought they made the music
  4. 11. Town near the wood
  5. 12. He arrested Mae
  6. 15. He did not like being stuck in time
  7. 16. Winnie took Mae's place there
  8. 17. Where the Tucks discovered what happened to Winnie
  9. 19. They owned the wood
  10. 21. Stolen by the stranger
  11. 22. This pet did not drink the water
  1. 1. Winnie wrapped in this to fool the Constable
  2. 3. Mae hit the stranger in the head with this
  3. 5. What Mae played for the children
  4. 6. Winnie liked to catch these
  5. 7. He wore a yellow suit
  6. 8. This water was the fountain of youth
  7. 10. What the Tucks ate for Dinner
  8. 13. Jesse's age
  9. 14. The stranger wore a yellow_____
  10. 18. Number of years Tucks remained unchanged:_____-seven
  11. 20. Type of fence around the Foster's house