Tuck Everlasting

  1. 3. Tuck dreamed he was here.
  2. 5. Mae might be sent here, but she wouldn't be able to die.
  3. 7. The noise of this covered up the sounds made by Mae's escape.
  4. 9. The Tucks learn the ground around this had been bulldozed.
  5. 10. The stranger wanted the deed to this.
  6. 11. This many years passed between the boys' homecomings.
  7. 13. The Tucks shared their house with this animal.
  8. 14. Tuck carved a "T" in this.
  9. 17. The Tucks' ___ didn't drink the water and died naturally.
  10. 18. Jesse ate these, but didn't die.
  11. 19. She died at the age of 78.
  12. 20. The magic spring was found in this town.
  13. 23. The color of the stranger's suit.
  14. 25. Tuck wanted more than anything to be able to do this.
  15. 27. He wanted to marry Winnie when she was 17.
  16. 28. Also known as Angus
  1. 1. Miles's ____ thought he was possessed by the Devil.
  2. 2. Mae hit the stranger with this.
  3. 4. Winnie poured water on this creature.
  4. 5. This relative of the stranger knew Miles's wife.
  5. 6. He once had a wife and two children.
  6. 8. The animal who survived being shot by hunters.
  7. 9. Pa didn't suffer when he was bitten by this reptile.
  8. 12. The man who arrested Mae.
  9. 15. Miles decided to not let is _____ drink the water.
  10. 16. She saw her sons once a decade.
  11. 21. Tuck took Winnie out on the pond in this.
  12. 22. Angus told Winnie this held answers.
  13. 24. Winnie's grandmother thought she heard music made by these.
  14. 26. The stranger planned to do this with the water.