Tucker and Stefan

  1. 4. - A person who wanted to eliminate or "abolish" slavery.
  2. 8. - someone that owns slaves
  3. 10. the internal forced migration of slaves to the South and West in the United States
  4. 12. : the upswing in American cotton production during the nineteenth century
  5. 14. - nickname for the Confederate States of America or also known as the confederacy
  6. 15. - These states were slave states that did not leave the Union, but largely supported the cause of the Confederates
  7. 17. crop: a crop grown to be sold for profit instead of consumption by the farmer’s family
  8. 18. - Northern states o f the United States also called the Union
  9. 20. - An army of citizens used during emergencies.
  10. 22. slave trade the trading of slaves within the borders of the United States
  11. 23. Slave Law - A law passed by Congress in 1850 that said escaped enslaved people in free states had to be returned to their owners.
  12. 24. the idea that blacks and whites come from different origins
  13. 26. a majority of a separate region (that would otherwise be in the minority of the nation) with the power to veto or disallow legislation put forward by a hostile majority
  1. 1. the premise that southern white slaveholders acted in the best interests of their slaves
  2. 2. was a essential water highway for trading goods
  3. 3. - A nickname given to people in the South supporting the Confederate States.
  4. 5. - A large farm in the southern United States. Before the Civil War many of the workers on plantations were enslaved.
  5. 6. - A large farm in the southern United States. Before the Civil War many of the workers on plantations were enslaved.
  6. 7. - A nickname for people from the North as well as Union soldiers
  7. 9. - A decision made by the Supreme Court that said Congress could not outlaw slavery and that people of African descent were not necessarily U.S. citizens.
  8. 11. gin - separates cotton fibers from their seeds
  9. 13. the secret diplomatic memo stating that if Spain refused to sell Cuba to the United States, the United States was justified in taking the island as a national security measure
  10. 16. - A term meaning "before war". It was often used to describe the United States before the Civil War.
  11. 19. - someone that owned by someone
  12. 21. - Another name for the Confederate States of America or the South. The Confederacy was a group of states that left the United States to form their own country.
  13. 25. - Putting the local interests and customs ahead of the entire