Tucks Everlasting

  1. 1. Winnie can't see this animal
  2. 3. it represents caution
  3. 6. this is miles and Jesse's mom
  4. 8. Winnie was riding on what while she was kidnapped
  5. 10. who showed up at Winnie fosters house
  6. 13. Angus use this weapon
  7. 17. Winnie got
  8. 18. the second thing on the diagram
  9. 19. Grannie thought it was what singing
  10. 20. this is the letter that is carved on the tree
  1. 2. the setting of the story
  2. 4. this is the first thing on the diagram
  3. 5. lives forever
  4. 7. Angus was dreaming of this
  5. 9. Angus got a
  6. 11. Winnie's only friend was
  7. 12. Mae's favorite procession
  8. 14. who told Winnie to get up from the grass
  9. 15. this person wanted to run away
  10. 16. Winnie has a crush on