TV and Movies Faves

  1. 1. fave for family gatherings (4 wds)6,5,2,6
  2. 3. he can also be seen in FLA & CA (2wds)6,5
  3. 8. they were in the Stone Age (11)
  4. 9. he makes her laugh so much she cries(2wds)5,7
  5. 10. everything was R right with this dog(2wds) 6,3
  6. 13. Oscar loved the robber (3wds)4,3,8
  7. 15. Romeos fave (2 wds)8,5
  8. 17. small mini o'nions' starred in this (2wds)10,2
  9. 19. let it go! (6)
  10. 20. does like an insect (9)
  1. 2. where dragons rule (3wds) 5,2,7
  2. 4. a show about nothing (9)
  3. 5. mum's favourite (2 wds)6,6
  4. 6. the 'Rock' played sang his role (5)
  5. 7. she starred in this before she sang (10)
  6. 11. dad was a dummy, mom had the hair 3,8
  7. 12. where everybody knows your name (6)
  8. 14. not fixing good (2wds)8,3
  9. 16. everyone hated this bald kid (7)
  10. 18. animal siblings (3wds)3,34