TV Drama Of The 1960s

  1. 2. A person that audiences might look up to (4,5)
  2. 4. The name of the episode of 'The Avengers' that you studied (3,4,2,2,6)
  3. 6. Peak viewing time for a television channel when maximum viewers are watching (5,4)
  4. 7. This is how PSB is funded (8,3)
  5. 9. The channel on which 'The Avengers' was show (3)
  6. 10. The sub-genre of television drama that 'The Avengers' belongs to (3,5)
  7. 11. The official regulator of TV in 1965 (3)
  8. 12. The way 'The Avengers' brought people together (6,11)
  1. 1. Television programming made for and paid by the public (6,7,13)
  2. 3. The male hero in 'The Avengers' (4,5)
  3. 5. The type of broadcaster that makes its revenue from advertising (10)
  4. 8. (The female protagonist in 'The Avengers' (4,4)