TV Quotes

  1. 6. "What are you laughing at, Jolly Green ___________________?"
  2. 7. "Everybody loves pelicans, they bring babies!"
  3. 9. "Mommy doesn't get drunk. She just has fun."
  4. 10. “Tweet us on Facebook!”
  5. 12. "Fire doesn't go through doors, stupid. It's not a ghost."
  6. 13. “I haven’t bedazzled anything since I was twenty two.”
  7. 14. “Okay, yeah, no, I did not write this…Okay, like, I didn’t even choose this font! It’s horrible.”
  1. 1. “I am a Goddess, a glorious female warrior.”
  2. 2. "Our first assignment is a documentary. They're like real movies but with ugly people."
  3. 3. "I'm covered in scabs and smell like a hobo’s craphole."
  4. 4. "Do you think horses get songs stuck in their heads?"
  5. 5. “Do I look like I drink water?”
  6. 8. “Oh, I’d kill for a good coma right now.”
  7. 11. “Just remember, every time you look up at the moon, I, too, will be looking at a moon. Not the same moon, obviously, That’s impossible.”