  1. 2. a television or radio advertisement
  2. 4. the last episode of a show in a season
  3. 5. a group of episodes shown in one period of time
  4. 7. information that reveals too much about an episode or movie before you have seen it
  5. 9. a program that features animated characters
  6. 10. another way to say series; a set of related episodes for TV or radio
  1. 1. to watch many episodes of a TV show in a short period of time
  2. 2. an ending of an episode or movie that is particularly suspenseful, which is not resolved until the next one in the series
  3. 3. a type of show that is based on facts
  4. 6. a part of a longer TV series, often lasting 30 minutes to one hour
  5. 8. a short appearance in a TV show or movie by someone famous