TV Shows (Chitresh Tak)

  1. 2. "I'm a really good lawyer."
  2. 6. stalker
  3. 7. community college
  4. 8. evil superhero father
  5. 10. about a really good boss
  6. 12. 11
  7. 13. bald guy does "science"
  8. 15. Egyptian gods take over body
  9. 16. ocean animal
  10. 17. elevator doesn't work
  11. 18. where's perry?
  1. 1. noble families fight in winter
  2. 3. travels in a phone booth
  3. 4. needed him the most, he disappeared
  4. 5. mischievous deviant
  5. 9. zendaya.
  6. 11. six people in one apartment
  7. 12. yellow chef
  8. 13. boy with cool watch
  9. 14. evil superheroes