  1. 3. This show is about the main character's parents dying and he grows up to be the strongest human being in the world. It is an anime.
  2. 4. This show is about roasting people. It is on tv in the middle of the day. The man who runs the show is American. He is a "doctor"
  3. 7. This show has 4 main characters with bright colours. The colours are green, yellow, red and purple. It is a kids show
  4. 8. This show is about the fastest cars to race
  1. 1. This show is about a group of kids surviving and stopping the worlds end. They live in Hawkins. There is a girl that has powers, she is a number
  2. 2. This show is about police officers that live in New York, they show is comedy and follows their day-to-day lives chasing criminals and working in the police station. One of the characters is called Jake.
  3. 5. This show is about a young boy who got given a special creature that does not exist in real life. He and this creature "gotta catch them all"
  4. 6. King This show has prehistoric reptiles. It is animated. It is about a meteor crashing into earth and there are capsules with cards in them that you throw and the prehistoric animals comes out.