TV Shows & Movies

  1. 4. A show about a hilarious family in the modern day.
  2. 5. A romantic movie where a recently divorced man falls for his operating system named Samantha which has been nominated for an Oscar.
  3. 7. A popular AMC original series about a sheriff named Rick, who wakes up from a comma into a zombie infested world.
  4. 9. A show that stars Zooey Deschannel acting as a girl living in an apartment with three men.
  5. 10. The second movie to a popular franchise giving instant fame to a young actress.
  1. 1. A movie that surprisingly got better reviews than most Oscar Nominees and the world is made up of a popular childhood toy.
  2. 2. A show featuring a dysfunctional family that includes an evil baby and a talking dog that recently died.
  3. 3. A show set in America with each season about a different horror story.
  4. 6. A new popular Disney movie with a cuddly snowman named Olaf.
  5. 8. a film where Will Smith acts as a dating expert.