TV Shows/Movies with quotes

  1. 1. "Just keep swimming"
  2. 5. "Ay Caramba!"
  3. 7. "My precious"
  4. 10. "To infinity and beyond"
  5. 11. "I'll be back"
  6. 12. "Its alive! Its alive!"
  7. 14. "Chase is on the case!"
  8. 16. "Bond. James Bond."
  9. 18. "I'll never let go jack"
  10. 19. "Boo!"
  11. 20. "What's up doc?"
  12. 21. "Theres no place like home"
  13. 22. "Im your conscious"
  1. 1. "Run Forrest run!"
  2. 2. "You cant handle the truth!"
  3. 3. "Darn it bobby, what are you doing son?"
  4. 4. "No Luke, I am your father."
  5. 6. "Great power comes great responsibility"
  6. 8. "E.T phone home"
  7. 9. "Ogres are like onions"
  8. 13. "Your gonna need a bigger boat"
  9. 15. "Hakuna mattata"
  10. 17. "Ohana means family"