TV Sitcoms

  1. 4. Ritchie's pal
  2. 5. Feeney Girl
  3. 8. Family Bunch
  4. 9. Andy's Aunt
  5. 10. The Big Ragu
  6. 12. Samantha's husband
  1. 1. Lead singer of Lenny and the Squigtones
  2. 2. Was always with Ralph Malph
  3. 3. Archie's son-in-law
  4. 6. Wasn't supposed to be a sitcom, but was laughable enough to be one.
  5. 7. Squiggy's pal
  6. 8. Irritating rich girl
  7. 11. The Ziffel Pig
  8. 13. Your Batman favorite