TVOL lesson 1

  1. 6. full of life
  2. 8. rhymes with fluke
  3. 9. means weak
  4. 11. means spread
  5. 13. the antonym is small
  6. 16. means deep
  7. 18. means face reactions
  8. 19. rhymes with scythe
  9. 20. means unusual event
  1. 1. means obvious
  2. 2. rhymes with snort
  3. 3. antonym is cheerful
  4. 4. means sad
  5. 5. means mockery
  6. 7. rhymes with cure
  7. 10. antonym is extrovert
  8. 12. appease
  9. 14. means determined
  10. 15. means warning
  11. 17. means the second