
  1. 3. What is the main supernatural theme
  2. 5. What is the safest time of day for a vampire
  3. 6. Main character beginning with "E"
  4. 8. Bella's mums boyfriend's name
  5. 9. Bella's second name
  6. 10. Edwards sister that can read minds
  7. 11. Bella's dads name
  8. 14. Jasper is able to control what with his powers
  9. 16. where does Bella live with her dad
  10. 18. who wants to kill Bella in the Twilight saga
  11. 20. What is Jacob
  1. 1. Bella's home town
  2. 2. Edwards adoptive dads name
  3. 4. Main character beginning with "B"
  4. 7. Which of the Cullen's is jealous of Bella
  5. 12. Bella's daughters name
  6. 13. What is Bella's mums name
  7. 15. The strongest brother
  8. 17. What do vampires drink
  9. 19. Second name of the author of twilight