Two Spirits L6 The Human Spirit (2): The 3 Parts of the Spirit

  1. 1. To condemn or to __________ is one function of the conscience.
  2. 4. The leading part of our spirit
  3. 6. The spirit in man is like the radio ___________.
  4. 8. A ____________ conscience helps the other parts of our inward being to function properly and keeps the Lord flowing within us.
  5. 11. The three ________ of our spirit are conscience, fellowship, and intuition.
  6. 13. The direct sense in our spirit, regardless of reason, circumstances, or background
  7. 14. Romans 9:1, "My conscience bearing ____________ with me in the Holy Spirit".
  1. 2. To perceive right from wrong is one _________ of the conscience.
  2. 3. Intuition is a direct _______ in our spirit.
  3. 5. Once you repent and confess, the ___________ enters into you.
  4. 7. The way to deal with our conscience is to have thorough ____________.
  5. 9. A term denoting our communion with God
  6. 10. If we are wrong in the conscience, the fellowship is ___________.
  7. 11. A transparent conscience brings us into the _____________ of the Lord, resulting in a living fellowship with Him.
  8. 12. Our spirit makes it possible for us to ________________ God.