- 4. State of blessedness with God in the afterlife
- 6. He carried a ring of power
- 8. Jesus Like to tell these
- 12. He wrote the fourth Gospel. The beloved disciple
- 13. Jesus lived in this region
- 16. Jesus spoke to a woman from this group at a well
- 18. Girlfriend of superman
- 20. Jesus has defeated this demon
- 21. Leader of the Apostles
- 22. He led the Hebrews out of Egypt
- 1. A wizard who fights evil
- 2. Author of Lord of the Rings
- 3. Our _______, who art in heaven
- 5. A Christ-like lion and an Irish band
- 7. Christian doctrine that God is three persons
- 9. Author of The Chronicles of Narnia
- 10. Jesus asked his followers to do this to people who wrong them
- 11. Knows the law
- 14. Adam lived in the _______ of Eden
- 15. This empire had Jesus executed
- 17. First name of Finch, hero from To Kill a Mockingbird
- 19. The first book of the Bible