- 2. The primary way that God communicates with us
- 5. The Lord God exists as three in one: the Holy _______
- 6. A sweet treat eaten at most weddings
- 7. The man getting married
- 13. Where the wedding party walks
- 14. "Above all things, have fervent love for one _______,for 'love will cover a multitude of sins.'"
- 15. He who lives in you after you accept Christ as your personal savior
- 17. "And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest is ____."
- 18. What brides & grooms wear on their fingers as a sign of marriage
- 20. "They are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has ______ together, let no one seperate."
- 1. A special vacation the bride & groom go on
- 3. Flowers the bride carries
- 4. The life we get to spend with the Lord is _______
- 8. Sacrificed His life, that we may be cleansed from our sins.
- 9. We know that God will raise us from the dead because Jesus was ______ from the tomb
- 10. Ordained the very first marriage
- 11. A lace headdress worn by the bride
- 12. You may now ____ the bride
- 16. "A _________ cord is not quickly broken."
- 19. God's Riches At Christ's Expense