Tyler Whitten

  1. 2. of contract a situation where a legally binding agreement is not honoured by one or more of the parties to the contract
  2. 6. the power or right to act, speak or think as one wants
  3. 10. a form of government in which the people determine how they will be governed
  4. 11. to remove a law so that it no longer applies
  5. 14. a law made by Parliment
  6. 15. an agreement between two or more countries to carry out certain actions. It is usually legally binding on those countries
  7. 17. An entitlement to be treated in a particular way
  8. 19. a process by which people are required to join the armed forces, even if they do not wish to do so
  9. 20. a tort (civil wrong) involving direct and intentional interference with a person, or a person’s land or goods
  10. 21. the process of sending convicts to a penal colony
  11. 24. laws made by parliament
  1. 1. the party in a civil or criminal trial against whom an action has been brought
  2. 2. an election held when one member of parliament vacates his or her seat in between normal scheduled elections
  3. 3. feeling empathy towards someone in a less fortunate position
  4. 4. law law developed by judges through the decisions of courts
  5. 5. in a criminal trial, a randomly selected group of people who decide the guilt or innocence of an accused person
  6. 7. the Queen’s authority in the Australian parliament, represented by the Governor-General at the federal level and a Governor at the state level
  7. 8. the main political party in the lower house of parliament not in power
  8. 9. the accidental or unintentional killing of one person by another person
  9. 12. the main political party in the lower house of parliament not in power
  10. 13. a law passed by Parliament
  11. 16. people who leave one country to reside in another
  12. 18. rights the rights of people (in this case Indigenous groups) to own the land their ancestors have lived on for generations
  13. 22. a proposed law that has not yet been agreed to by parliament or received royal assent
  14. 23. of proof the legal principle describing who has to prove a case in court. In a criminal trial, this burden is on the prosecution