Tyler's Safety Lab

  1. 4. be ___ and proceed with caution at all times in the laboratory
  2. 5. ___, practical jokes, and pranks are dangerous and prohibited
  3. 7. never ___ alone
  4. 8. Do not use ___ electrical equipment
  5. 9. __ must be handled with extreme care
  6. 12. Never remove chemicals or other materials from the ___ area
  7. 13. Never handle __ glass with your bare hands
  8. 15. all ___ in the laboratory are to considered dangerous
  9. 17. Exercise __ caution when using a gas burner
  10. 18. __ any accident or injury
  11. 19. ___ is a hands-on laboratory class
  1. 1. any time chemicals, heat, or glassware are used, students will wear laboratory ___
  2. 2. never leave a __ burner unattended
  3. 3. Never use dirty glassware
  4. 6. hot and cold glass have the same visual ___
  5. 7. dispose of all chemical ___ properly
  6. 10. Do not ___ hot glassware in cold water, it may shatter
  7. 11. ___ work in a well-ventilated area
  8. 14. Never look into a container that is being ___
  9. 16. Two copies of the ___ are provided