Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

  1. 2. abbreviation BS
  2. 5. system of the body that has glands and regulates hormones
  3. 10. low level of glucose in the blood
  4. 11. person who specializes in the study of the feet
  5. 12. overdose of insulin into the body
  6. 14. an antibody reacting against the body itself
  7. 15. condition during pregnancy; associated with hypertension
  8. 17. test to diagnose T1DM (A1c test)
  9. 20. night time bedwetting
  10. 22. test to diagnose T1DM after fasting overnight
  11. 23. cell clusters in the pancreas that produce insulin and glucagon
  12. 25. condition in which the kidneys cannot conserve water
  13. 28. lab test of the urine
  14. 29. glucose in the urine
  15. 30. a person who specializes in diet and nutrition
  1. 1. excessive thirst
  2. 3. excessive urination
  3. 4. dry skin
  4. 6. increased acidity due to too many ketones
  5. 7. person who specializes in the study of hormones and endocrine system
  6. 8. system of the body that expels metabolic wastes
  7. 9. autoimmune disease in which the body cannot produce insulin
  8. 13. high amount of glucose in the blood
  9. 16. pertaining to the kidneys
  10. 18. abnormal sensation (tingling, burning)
  11. 19. physician who specializes in the study of pediatrics
  12. 21. organic compound (ex. acetone)
  13. 24. method to treat T1DM that injects insulin into the body "around the clock" (abbreviation)
  14. 26. increased hunger
  15. 27. hormone that decreases blood glucose levels