Type II Diabetes Mellitus

  1. 3. Individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus tend to have an _________ blood lipid profile
  2. 5. excessive hunger or increased appetite
  3. 8. High blood glucose
  4. 9. In type II diabetes mellitus, _______ insulin levels are inadequate to overcome insulin resistance, often resulting in hyperglycemia
  5. 10. helps delay gastric emptying, slowing the rate of entry of glucose into the bloodstream and reducing the postprandial glucose spike
  1. 1. excessive urination
  2. 2. HbA1C can be used to diagnose T2DM as it reflects long term _______ ________ concentrations
  3. 4. type diabetes is associated with loss of _____ cell function
  4. 6. excessive thirst
  5. 7. An oral rapid- and short-acting anti-diabetic medication from the sulfonylurea class