Types and Genres of Literature

  1. 3. involves the hero struggling mightly against dynamic
  2. 5. these are merely products of the writer's imagination and the main aims to bring out lessons to the reader
  3. 7. these have the measures of twelve syllables and slowly sung to the accompaniment of a guitar or banduria
  4. 10. this is a report of everyday events in society, government, science and industry, accidents,etc.
  5. 12. this is a formal treatment of a subject and is intended to be spoken in public
  6. 13. expresses the viewpoint or opinion of the writer about a situation, problem or event
  7. 14. it is an extended narrative about heroic exploits under supernatural control
  8. 15. these are short poems intended to be sung
  9. 18. these are fictitious narratives, usually about origins
  10. 20. this is considered as the shortest and simplest of the narrative poems
  11. 22. exaggerated comedy
  12. 24. this is a narrative involving one or more characters, one plot and one single impression
  13. 25. a long narrative divided into chapters
  1. 1. this is presented on a stage, is divided into acts and each act has many scenes
  2. 2. a traditional sacred story, typically revolving around the activities of gods and heroes
  3. 4. this is a narrative which is written in verse and can be classified either as a ballad or metrical romance
  4. 6. this form describes important events in life either real or imaginary
  5. 8. prosa meaning straightforward
  6. 9. this is a lyric of poem of 14 lines dealing with an emotion, a feeling or an idea
  7. 11. this is usually seen in musical play with the opera
  8. 16. this is a poem of a noble feeling, expressed with dignity, with no definite number of syllables
  9. 17. this is a song praising God or the Virgin Mary and containing a philosophy of life
  10. 19. this is a lyric poem which expresses feelings of grief and melancholy, and whose theme is death
  11. 21. these have measures of eighty syllables and recited to a martial beat
  12. 23. komos meaning festivity or revelry