Types of boundaries

  1. 3. the pressure on a tectonic plate
  2. 6. plates sliding past eachother
  3. 7. when magma forces its way to the crust
  4. 8. plates underneath continents
  5. 10. ruptures in the earth's tectonic plates
  6. 12. plates underneath oceans
  7. 14. heat in the mantle moves the plates
  1. 1. Very slow plate movement
  2. 2. plates moving away
  3. 4. is where the plates get energy f
  4. 5. a natural disaster caused by continental plates
  5. 9. a natural disaster caused by oceanic plates
  6. 11. Effect of plate boundaries
  7. 13. meeting plates
  8. 15. layer where tectonic plates are