types of clouds :)

  1. 2. high clouds, small white round patches
  2. 6. low clouds, larger irregular puff, covers lots of sky, can produce drizzle
  3. 8. low clouds, darker, produce light at moderate precipitation
  4. 9. middle clouds, roll like patches often in rows/waves, larger puffs
  5. 10. vertical clouds, can grow very tall vertically (up to above 60000 ft), produces heavy precipitation
  1. 1. low clouds, uniform gray layer covering sky (fog)
  2. 3. high clouds, wispy high clouds usually ahead of storm system
  3. 4. high clouds, thin like sheets covering the sky, ahead of storm
  4. 5. middle clouds, grey sheets that cover sky, sun is dim
  5. 7. vertical clouds, small puffy clouds driven by solar heating