Types of Contemporary Culture

  1. 5. Something that spreads rapidly and widely on the internet.
  2. 6. Reality (VR) A computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional environment.
  3. 8. Accessing and watching videos or music online without downloading.
  4. 9. Small digital images used to express emotions or ideas in messages.
  5. 12. A self-portrait photograph taken with a smartphone or camera.
  6. 14. Competitive video gaming, often with professional players.
  7. 15. Playing video games, often online and with other players.
  1. 1. A mobile phone with advanced features like internet access and apps.
  2. 2. Reality (AR) Technology that overlays digital information on the real world.
  3. 3. Art Art created using digital technology and tools.
  4. 4. Watching multiple episodes of a TV series in one sitting.
  5. 7. An audio program available for streaming or download on the internet.
  6. 10. Someone who has a large following on social media and influences others.
  7. 11. A humorous image or video shared and often modified by internet users.
  8. 13. Media Online platforms for sharing content and connecting with others.