Types of Diabetes

  1. 3. This type of diabetes occurs when blood sugar levels rise due to pregnancy.
  2. 5. Type 2 diabetes is when our body develops a ______ to insulin, which prevents cells from being able to uptake glucose.
  3. 7. _____ refers to high blood sugar levels.
  4. 9. ____ refers to the condition in which glucose is in the urine.
  5. 10. This type of diabetes is more commonly diagnosed among children, teenagers, and young adults.
  6. 11. _____ refers to low blood sugar levels.
  7. 13. Type 1 diabetes is known for its ______ reaction that causes our cells to attack insulin secreting cells.
  8. 18. Two hormones involved in regulating our blood sugar levels are ____ .
  9. 20. Which cell secretes insulin? _____ ____
  10. 21. True or false: If someone has a genetic predisposition of Type 1 diabetes, that means they were born with diabetes.
  1. 1. Ketone concentration increases in someone with diabetes because the body is breaking down ___ _____ ____ instead of glucose as its energy source.
  2. 2. People over the age of 65 are at increased risk for _____ diabetes
  3. 4. _____ refers to an increased concentration of ketones which can be poisonous to the body.
  4. 6. Two hormones involved in regulating our blood sugar levels are ____ .
  5. 8. Which organ releases glucose ? (from presentation).
  6. 12. Which organ releases insulin and glucagon ?
  7. 14. Being prediabetic or having gestational diabetes increases risk of contracting ____ diabetes.
  8. 15. The liver will release more glucose into the bloodstream, even though there is already plenty, because it thinks the body is in a state of _____.
  9. 16. The preferred energy source for the body is ______.
  10. 17. This hormone causes blood sugar levels to decrease.
  11. 19. This hormone causes blood sugar levels to increase