Types of Emotions

  1. 2. quiet because you are thinking about something.
  2. 3. mental ill or looked like strange.= nutty.
  3. 5. to feel pain about something.
  4. 11. to allow or approve of something or someone, or to consider something as normal.
  5. 13. having strong feelings of shock or disapproval.
  6. 15. full of hope and confidenc.
  7. 16. showing the strong desire to do something even if it is difficult.
  8. 17. happy and smiling.
  9. 19. a strong feeling of disapproval and dislike at a situation, person's behaviour, etc.
  10. 22. the feeling of being happy.
  11. 24. a strong feeling that makes you want to hurt someone or be unpleasant because of something unfair or unkind that has happened.
  12. 28. happy and full of energy.
  13. 29. unwise, stupid.
  14. 32. making you feel uncomfortable or worried, as if something bad is going to happen.
  15. 34. having no knowledge of something, or of things in general.
  16. 37. having good things happen to you by chance.
  17. 42. to make someone have strong feelings of happiness.
  18. 43. unable to speak because you are so angry, shocked, surprised, etc.
  19. 44. happy or grateful because of something.
  20. 45. to feeling of being afraid.
  21. 46. quick to see, understand, and act in a particular situation.= smart.
  22. 47. a belief that something good will happen
  23. 48. very tired.
  24. 49. very shocked or surprised.
  25. 51. the feeling of being sad.
  26. 52. showing no fear of dangerous or difficult things.
  1. 1. showing that you feel sorry about something.
  2. 4. showing very strong love for someone.
  3. 5. only thinks of their own advantage.
  4. 6. to feel unhappy because you did something wrong.
  5. 7. very happy and very interesting.
  6. 8. worried or nervous and not able to relax.
  7. 9. confused, because something is difficult to understand or solve.
  8. 10. to feel you can not stand street and maybe fall= dizzy.
  9. 11. feeling great respect, sometimes mixed with fear or surprise.
  10. 12. to do something carefully.
  11. 14. full of hope and happiness.
  12. 18. a feeling of wanting something or someone very much.
  13. 19. to work or use any effort = lazy.
  14. 20. to feel happy, exciting, or pleasure.
  15. 21. to feel pain.
  16. 23. an extremely strong feeling of fear and shock.
  17. 25. very nervous, worried.
  18. 26. very surprised.
  19. 27. a little (slightly) confused.
  20. 30. do not know where you are and how to go to a place.
  21. 31. unfriendly and not liking something.
  22. 33. respect and warm approval= apreciation.
  23. 34. not showing kindness, love, or emotion and not friendly.
  24. 35. nervous; not calm.
  25. 36. wishing to have what another person has.
  26. 38. very interested, eager(want to do something very much).
  27. 39. unable to stop thinking about something.
  28. 40. extremely tired.
  29. 41. thinking carefully and quietly.
  30. 50. not able to feel any emotions or to think clearly, because you are so shocked or frightened, etc.