Types of Engineering

  1. 2. Works for a Price
  2. 5. Engineering feat. Medicine
  3. 9. under an engineer
  4. 12. Develops systems of Industry
  5. 13. Ensures the Value of Goods and Services
  6. 14. Develops Scopes, Lenses, and Sights
  7. 16. Ships, Oil Rigs, and other oceanic things
  8. 17. Observes and Improves Learning
  9. 19. Planes and Space
  10. 20. Helps Clean the Earth
  1. 1. Assuring the Features of Rocks
  2. 3. Robots and Robotic systems
  3. 4. communication over the internet and wire
  4. 6. Chemistry
  5. 7. (2 words) Benefiting Human traits
  6. 8. Software, programs, and systems
  7. 10. Checks and Assures quality of Products and Services
  8. 11. Produces Hydrocarbons such as Gasoline, Oil, and Natural Gas
  9. 15. Maintain and manufacture mechanical systems
  10. 18. Into the Earth