types of holidays

  1. 1. focused on health, fitness, and rejuvenation
  2. 6. holidays booked shortly before departure
  3. 7. ideal for couples, involving special and intimate moments.
  4. 10. holidays in unusual and distant location.
  5. 13. holidays focused on experiencing art, history, and local tradition.
  6. 16. calm and peaceful holidays, often spent resting.
  7. 17. thrilling and exciting holidays involving physical activities.
  8. 18. holidays that involve physical activities and sport.
  9. 19. suitable for all ages, with activities for both children and adults.
  1. 2. expensive and high-quality holidays, often involving five-star hotels.
  2. 3. inexpensive and budget-friendly holidays.
  3. 4. short holidays taken over the course of a weekend
  4. 5. holidays spent by the sea or ocean.
  5. 8. holidays in high-altitude location, often involving hiking
  6. 9. holidays exploring places with rich history and heritage
  7. 11. holidays involving discovering new places and experiences
  8. 12. holidays spent in cities, enjoying the hustle and bustle
  9. 14. holidays centered around a specific theme or interest
  10. 15. easy-going and relaxed holidays without a strict schedule