Types of Landforms

  1. 1. A very steep, high rock face
  2. 7. The flat top or level part of an upland area or tableland
  3. 9. A body of water surrounded by land
  4. 11. A narrow strip of land projecting into a sea or a lake from the mainland
  5. 13. A deep, narrow, steep sided hollow running through a desert or upland area
  6. 14. Part of a steep coastline which projects (sticks out) into the sea
  7. 16. A large natural stream which usually flows into the sea or lake
  8. 17. A broad, flat area of land bordering a river (resulting from the depositing of material by a river, sometimes during flooding)
  9. 19. A large sea inlet that is larger than a bay
  10. 20. A high often rocky steep upward projection on the land surface
  1. 2. A narrow strip of land connecting two relatively large areas of land
  2. 3. A triangular shape of land at a river’s mouth
  3. 4. A mountain formed by molten rock from deep in the earth
  4. 5. A cascade of falling water over an almost vertical step in a river
  5. 6. A level, unbroken flat or gently rolling area of land
  6. 8. A narrow, flat area of land either side of meandering stream
  7. 10. Part of the coast where the sea has eroded the land into a wide inlet
  8. 12. A long narrow downward-sloping depression in the earth’s surface
  9. 15. A natural rounded small upward projection of the earth’s surface
  10. 18. An area of land surrounded by the sea