
  1. 9. Cleanliness and personal care
  2. 10. Health Emotional and psychological well-being
  3. 12. Overall health and well-being
  4. 13. Mindful relaxation
  5. 14. Food and nourishment
  6. 16. Mind-body practice for flexibility and relaxation
  7. 17. Regaining health or strength
  8. 19. Maintaining proper water intake
  9. 20. Mental or emotional strain
  1. 1. Physical activity
  2. 2. Rest and rejuvenation
  3. 3. Taking measures to avoid illness or injury
  4. 4. Body's resistance to disease
  5. 5. Essential nutrients for health
  6. 6. Equilibrium or stability
  7. 7. Ability to recover from adversity or stress
  8. 8. Treatment for illness or injury
  9. 11. Physical well-being
  10. 15. Treatment for mental or physical ailments
  11. 18. The food one consumes regularly