- 2. No being has more ... than Allah.
- 6. Tawheed is to believe in the ... of God.
- 7. The Arabic term for the belief that there are many Gods.
- 9. The Arabic term for the belief that there is only one God.
- 10. The Arabic term for the belief that Allah has many descriptions.
- 12. The Arabic term for the belief that only Allah should be worshipped.
- 14. The English term for the belief that there are many Gods.
- 16. Alternative, Arabic term to Tawheed Uluhiyya.
- 17. The prefix which means one.
- 1. The prefix which means more than one.
- 3. The Arabic term for the belief that Allah is Lord.
- 4. The English term which refers to the belief in the existence of God.
- 5. The English term for the belief that there is only one God.
- 8. Alternative, Arabic term to Tawheed Rububiyya.
- 11. We are forbidden from .... partners with Allah.
- 13. The English term which refers to the belief that God does not exist.
- 15. No being is ... to Allah.
- 18. There is only ... God.