Tyra's baby shower

  1. 2. Capital of France
  2. 4. Beauty and elegance of grace
  3. 6. A deep yellow colour
  4. 8. Wsrmest season of the year
  5. 9. Fourth letter of the alphabet
  6. 10. Bob's sister
  7. 11. Also called a tune
  8. 13. Believing without seeing
  9. 15. Red flower
  1. 1. Largest continent
  2. 2. Jewel found in an oyster
  3. 3. Read breasted bird
  4. 5. Another name for fall
  5. 7. Traditional garden flower
  6. 8. A deep red colour
  7. 12. White flower
  8. 14. Belief that a wish will be fulfilled