U2 Celebracciones

  1. 2. general word for holidays in Spanish
  2. 4. place someone goes to for church services
  3. 6. the piece of artwork made for dia de los muertos
  4. 9. we do this in santa clause when we are young (verb)
  5. 12. shiny objects we decorate trees with
  6. 13. like caroling with acting out birth of jesus
  7. 14. name of skulls in Spanish
  1. 1. the people we spend holidays with
  2. 3. our loved ones
  3. 5. the holiday in december in Spanish
  4. 7. mexico's holidays are more this than ours
  5. 8. another word we use for holidays
  6. 10. this is my favorite part of holidays YUMMMMM
  7. 11. party in Spanish