U2 crossword

  1. 3. Operands
  2. 4. Extraneous information written in the "margins" of the code
  3. 7. To merge two values
  4. 8. A memorable name
  5. 9. A phrase in code that can be evaluated
  6. 11. Category of Data, like string or integer
  7. 12. Name that corresponds to a value
  8. 14. PEMDAS
  9. 16. Numbers before the decimal
  10. 17. Word reserved for the program's use
  11. 18. A command within code
  1. 1. Numbers past the decimal
  2. 2. The function of math
  3. 5. The object of math
  4. 6. Outputs remainder after division
  5. 10. Running the math to output a value
  6. 13. Method of assigning value to a variable
  7. 15. Text Data