
  1. 4. v. not notice sth. or realize how important it is
  2. 5. n. a particular kind of attitude or way of thinking
  3. 8. a. that cannot be overcome
  4. 9. a. far away in space or time
  5. 10. a. pleased or satisfied with oneself or what one has
  6. 11. a. consisting of or coming from a mixture of two or more things
  1. 1. v. go walking and camping with the belongings in a bag carried on one's back
  2. 2. n. a solution to a problem in which two things or situations are changed
  3. 3. n. the point at which sth. ends or beyond which it becomes sth. else
  4. 6. a. intense; deep; very strongly felt
  5. 7. so that they can exist together