
  1. 3. Web of social relationships
  2. 5. Family structure where mother as head of family.
  3. 6. What we understand (1)
  4. 8. Basic unit of society
  5. 9. What God created on the 7th
  6. 11. Family that involves other relatives
  7. 13. First woman
  8. 14. Family where one member is in a different country
  9. 17. _______ is the best teacher
  10. 18. What we understand (3)
  11. 20. Synonym of pride
  12. 21. Boy in relation to other siblings
  13. 23. Girl in relation to her father
  1. 1. What we understand (2)
  2. 2. Family with several parents
  3. 4. Family structure where father as head of family.
  4. 7. Former lover
  5. 10. In marriage the two become
  6. 12. Reciprocal of a Father
  7. 15. Family with only a single couple
  8. 16. ____ you
  9. 17. Family that involves other relatives
  10. 19. Reason for marriage
  11. 22. Last word of every prayer