  1. 1. Disruption of what between a mother and child is argued to lead to later deviance?
  2. 4. Who stated that children are asocial, motivated pleasure seekers?
  3. 6. Who stated that you could identify criminals by their sloping foreheads and unusual ears?
  4. 9. Which chromosome sequence is suggested to make a make more prone to aggression and violent behaviour?
  5. 10. Which type of learning occurs from the actions of another person?
  6. 13. The dark triad is made of the three interrelated personality characteristics of narcissism, psychopathy and...
  7. 14. What is the age of criminal responsibility in the UK?
  1. 2. Which type of twin did Christiansen (1977) state share more criminal tendencies?
  2. 3. Which body type did Sheldon state was most associated with criminal behaviour?
  3. 5. What was not a crime until 1908?
  4. 7. Which type of criminal did Valla et al. (2011) state that females were poor at identifying?
  5. 8. According to Moffit's (1993) developmental taxonomy, which type of delinquent behaviour accounts for 90% of offenders?
  6. 11. Rutter provided what term to describe a child who have never had a bond with their mother?
  7. 12. Who stated that peers are influential role models when learning occurs through imitation?