uint 7 space review

  1. 4. What is the basic astronomical unit based on? the dissonance between the earth and ___
  2. 9. Unlike the inner planets, the outer planets are NOT rock planets and do not have _ cores.
  3. 11. Moon phases are the changing appearances of the _______ from the sun.
  4. 12. The seasons are caused by the direction Earth’s _ ___ is pointed with respect to the sun.
  5. 14. The yearly orbit of Earth around the Sun is called a _______.
  6. 15. What is the basic shape of every planet’s orbit? - ___________
  7. 17. What causes earth's tides. - The pull of the oceans as the earth rotates on its axis.
  8. 19. A lunar eclipse occurs when Earth is between the moon and the sun, and the Moon moves into the __ of Earth.
  9. 20. What planet has the most complex ring system? - ______
  1. 1. What is the largest planet in our solar system? - _________
  2. 2. Describe a total lunar eclipse. - When the moves into Earth's shadow
  3. 3. What planet has dark-colored storms and many moons? - ____
  4. 5. What planet has iron oxide and polar ice caps? - ___ __
  5. 6. An ___ _ is when the Sun's rays strike Earth directly at the equator
  6. 7. Moon phase in which none of the lighted surface of the Moon can be seen from Earth is called a _________ .
  7. 8. This planet has no atmosphere. - _______ ____
  8. 10. The order of all 8 planets outward from the Sun is mercury venus ___ mars jupiter saturn uranus neptune
  9. 13. Revolution is the Earth's yearly ______ around the Sun.
  10. 16. Unlike the outer planets, the inner planets are NOT made up of gass and not all of them have __ __.
  11. 18. A____ ____ is the turning of Earth on its axis.