Uk ageing pop

  1. 1. new Uk pension proposals mean women ____ miss out on state pensions if they take a career break to have children
  2. 6. allowing ________ is only sustainable if the needs of the new people are met in a sustainable way
  3. 7. elderly people need more ______ ____ than younger people
  4. 9. the uk are encouraging the immigration of _______ ___ ________ into the country
  5. 16. increasing retirement age helps sustainable development because it doesnt increase the ________
  6. 19. pop. over 65+ is expected to rise to 25% in _________
  7. 21. the large generations of baby booms are starting to retire which _______ the amount of elderly people
  8. 23. the working pop isn't large enough to provide a _____ pension
  9. 24. encouraging more children could ________ the pop
  1. 1. ________ ________ tax credits support women (and men) to go back to work once their children are born
  2. 2. what will retirement age be raised to by 2050
  3. 3. in 2005 what % of the pop were 65+
  4. 4. there are fewer young people so the proportion of older people is _______
  5. 5. encouraging women to have _____ children
  6. 8. between 1980 and _____ LE rose 2.8yrs for women, 4yrs for men
  7. 10. more _______ people living in poverty
  8. 11. as people live for longer the no. of _____ people increases
  9. 12. there aren't enough ________-age people to pay for an adequate pension for the retired pop.
  10. 13. lots of babies were born in the 1940's and 60's and this is called ____ _____
  11. 14. increasing retirement age means more ____ are needed
  12. 15. average stay in hospital in 2005 for people over 75 is _____ nights
  13. 17. by 2030 only _____ % of the pop. will be working age but the taxes they pay will have to pay for the pensions of 27% of the pop (retired people)
  14. 18. to manage ageing pop the retirement age has been ________
  15. 20. working family tax credits might ______ more couples to have children
  16. 22. today ______ % of the proportion of working age are paying taxes that go towards the pensions of 19% of the pop. (retired people)
  17. 25. in 2004 ___% of the immigrants that came to the UK from the new EU (eg. Poland) were 34 or under